Thursday, 5 July 2007

Groups of foreign students on my cunting bus

Now, this isn't a rant at foreigners in general. I am not a xenophobic chap and welcome all manner of people to our fabulous isle, because they make it what it is. (Some of my friends are black et cetera et fucking cetera). However, anyone who gets the 1c or 1b from Soutbourne will feel this one.


IF you HAVE to get public transport, PLEASE observe some of the simple fucking rules. If there are 368 of you getting on at once, for fuck's sake investigate alternative modes of travel. Because you do it every morning, and it is probably cheaper to hire a limo, head through Boscombe, pick up a whore and some smack, and arrive at your English Language for Waiters course having chucked your muck twice on the journey.

Also, I appreciate that you are not English. I appreciate that English is not your first language. However, when you get THE SAME BUS to the SAME PLACE and you do so EVERY DAY then perhaps it is time to STOP GETTING ON THE CUNTING BUS WITH A MAP, POINTING LAMELY AT A LOCATION AND THEN ASKING THE PERSON BEHIND YOU IF THEY CAN TRANSLATE. 'Errrr, Buscooombey?' Every single day. Whenever I go on holiday, I manage by day two to repeat the phrases I heard on day one. Such as 'large beer', 'where is the clinic?' and 'I'm terribly sorry sir, your daughter looked a lot older than twelve in disco lighting.'

Along the same lines is the cost. When standing in the (12 mile long) queue, why not utilise your time waiting for the bus by getting your change ready. The cost of this journey will be the same as it has been for the previous 220 days that you have made it. Take a wild guess and gamble on getting the change together, instead of trying to impress that monobrowed bint with the braces by showing her your new bandana. It is SO MUCH CUNTING QUICKER than getting on, trying to pay with a fifty pound note, looking upset, getting your debit card out, pointing at a map, then letting your mate behind you pay because he understands the money.

The beauty of it is that after the feckless twunts swarm upstairs en masse, they unpack their 'English as a Foreign Language' books. I want to kill them all in the face.

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