Monday, 13 August 2007

Jamie fucking redknapp

How the hell is this retarded cunt allowed on the telly? Which dickhead Sky TV exec thought that a career on the physio table during which he managed to achieve the sum total of absolutely fuck all made him perfect to be inflicting his ill-informed, terribly-worded opinions on the nation's football fans? WHAT A CUNT.
It's bad enough that he interrupts people who know far fuckng more than him ALL THE TIME. It's bad enough that he seems to be on every single match that Sky show. But what's much worse is the fact that he is about as literate and educated as a carrier bag full of festering cow shit.

He also insists on using the word 'literally' all the time. When he clearly doesn't mean 'literally'. One great recent example of this was in the charity shield: 'He's literally left his man for dead there'. NO HE HASN'T YOU STUPID FUCKING COCKFART OF A MAN.

however, this weekend he slightly ruined the pleasure I took in my beloved sunderland scoring a last-minute winner against Spurs by saying 'Time literally stood still for Chopra there.'

Go back to fucking your stupid vacuous wife and leave football alone, you silly little cunt. Or I will literally kill you.

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