Monday 25 June 2007

Janet Cunting Street Porter

Bought the Independant on Sunday yesterday as there was quite a fit bird on the checkout in Somerfield and I didn't want her to know I'd rather read the News of the World.

The cupboard-faced bint has penned an article about two Northern Irish lads who made a suicide pact in an internet chatroom, met up and drowned themselves.

Apparently they were killed by the internet, which is stopping us making real friends and interacting normally. Number of expert opinions in article: 0. Amount of scientific research in said article: 0%. Percentage written by fucking ugly, buck-toothed arrogant bags of cunt who should be tethered to the bottom of the North Sea: 100%.

Apparently, violent videogames are also partly to blame. Like Manhunt 2.

Personally, I am more likely to be driven to murder by ill-informed bullshit journalism, so can Teeth-Porter please ban herself before a tragedy REALLY fucking happens?

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