Thursday, 8 July 2010

I'm giving away MILLIONS for charidee

------Original Message------
From: Mr. Adada Adada
To: undisclosed-recipients:;,
ReplyTo: xxxxxx
Subject: Re: Charity Request.
Sent: 8 Jul 2010 11:39

Hello Friend,

I am Mr. Adada an Oil merchant in Iraq; i have been diagnosed with esophageal cancer.
It has defied all forms of medical treatment, and right now I have only about a few months to live, according to medical experts, just recently my doctor inform me i have a few weeks to live due to the esophageal cancer. I have not particularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared for anyone (not even myself) but my business. Though I am very rich, I was never generous, I was always hostile to people and only focused on my business as that was the only thing I cared for. But now I regret all this as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in the world. I have decided to give alms to charity organizations, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth. The last of my money which no one knows of is the huge cash deposit of fifteen million dollars $15, 000, 000,00 that I have with a finance/Security Company abroad. I will want you to help me collect this deposit and dispatched it to charity organizations. I!
t may interest you to know that i

I have set aside 10% for you and for your time.

God be with you.

Mr. Adada

My reply:

Hello, FRIEND!

Dear Mr Adadadadadada Dadadadadada (is there a tune for that, by the way?)

I was utterly amazed and delighted to find you nestling deep within my box this morning. Obviously, bad old news about the cancer. boohoo and all that. Still, onwards and upwards, eh old chap? Must say it is terribly good of you to be thinking of me (and the charities) at this difficult stage for you. Throat cancer is a real pain in the neck.

I am a similarly charitable soul to yourself, and have always tried to live a pious life (preferably steak and ale or chicken and mushroom). I wouldn't worry about the fact that you have been an evil tyrant most of your life - the great thing about God is that as long as you are really sorry about all the prostitutes and killings and whatever, he'll still let you in at the last minute.

Given that you want to give alms to charity and are based in Iraq, I have toyed with the idea of creating a charitable foundation on your behalf to oversee these wishes. However, I have already made a number of phone calls and the response I got to my suggestions of a new charity entitled Let's Send Alms to Iraq was given very short shrift by everyone between A and C in the Yellow Pages. Thank goodness for my 100 free minutes on my mobile contract, eh?

Anyhow, to business. I would like to accept your offer and would love to accept delivery of the full amount ($15,000,000) via Western Union transfer. They have a branch in my local high street so it probably seems easiest that way.

The specific charities I would like to support with your most generous donation are:

Scooby doo-ings
This is a charity that re-homes sexually traumatised animals that have been subjected to vicious sodomy, rendering them unwilling to work as guide dogs if their owner can get that easily confused after three pints of special brew.

Free Cambodian Women
I want to make all women in Cambodia free - a notion I am sure you would agree with. The idea is that instead of having to pay for them by the hour, or night, a central fund would be set up which enables tourists to just book whichever one they want for the evening without having to actually pay for it. This extra saving for the tourist could bring millions of extra visitors to the country, based on the freedom of women, and there would be substantial benefits in supporting industries such as the manufacture of rohypnol, neat vodka, and shallow graves - all of which will still be needed, fee or no fee!

The Louise Bennett Holiday fund.
Poor Louise Bennet was born with no eyes, limbs, ears or lungs. She can survive only by drinking yak's milk through her tear ducts, due to a crippling series of allergies that leave her intolerant of most everyday items including Marmite, Fairy Liquid, dust, oxygen and knicker elastic. I have met Louise on a number of occasions and she is a remarkable young woman. She can only communicate by banging her stumps against a tambourine in morse code, but she has expressed to me that her lifelong ambition is to perform an unaided skydive over the grand canyon in america. I would love to pay for her family and her to travel to america so that she can perform her unaided sky dive, and have been saving money to make it happen. On the plus side, we will probably need one less seat reservation on the return flight, so that will save the charity a few quid.

The summer cull
I live in a beautiful seaside resort in England where every year, the view on the beach is ruined by fat mingers in bikinis. It makes finding the real hotties a chore. This charity will provide a summer home for all the mingers, away from the area, where they will be happy to eat chips and watch Keremy Kyle safe in the knowledge that Greenpeace will not turn up while they sunbathe on the beach and try to roll them back into the sea.

Obviously, these are just a few of my own suggestions - I would love to hear from you about any charities that you would like to give money to, and look forward to your next email with moist anticipation.

Remember dude - it's all for charidee.

Cuddles and love,

Mr Biggles

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

An open letter to Sunderland AFC

Dear Steve Bruce (and the first team squad at Sunderland)


What an embarrassing display of fuckwittery you are currently treating us all to! I wasn't aware that the current training regime was being overseen by the bastard lovechildren of Charlie Chaplin, the Chuckle Brothers and Morecombe and Wise, but the utterly embarrassing, humiliating FUCK KNUCKLE performances that you have turned in recently would suggest that rather than dribbling footballs round cones and learning how to play incisive one-twos around the opposition's box, you have instead been mastering the art of turning round whilst holding a ladder and twatting each other face-first into piles of cow shit, or leaning on recently-removed sections of the bar in the Nag's Head.

I have never in my life been so APPALLED at a bunch of footballers - and I've supported Sunderland for my entire life. That means I have seen some phenomenal shite (see McCarthy, M and McMenemy, L). But fuck me, you take the biscuit. You take the whole packet of fucking hobnobs, stick them up your arse (individually) and run off into the sunset singing the theme tune from Glee, actually.

It's bad enough that you look like the kid from that Mask film with Cher, if his face was set on fire and put out with a shovel, shortly before a swarm of killer bees took it in turn to sting his face, then force-feed him peanuts just before he discovered a horrific allergy to the fucking things. Then inject him with all the botox left over after Michael Jackson died.

No, annoying as it is looking at you (Mrs Bruce must have one hell of an imagination, if she lets you bone her with a face like a bagful of smashed twats), it is the fact that you somehow manage to send the troops out to battle with such a remarkable dedication to inefficiency that they somehow manage to fuck up like they did tonight.

We were playing BOTTOM OF THE LEAGUE. A team that has not even got enough money to pay the paperboy. A club that has taken hit after hit after hit. A team that had its best players sold without the MD or manager being told. A team that, until recently, could not afford to play its own goalkeeper. A team that has less money than me (and I had to borrow a fiver to buy a bottle of wine to get me through the dismal existence that was listening to your overpaid shitstains lose tonight). A team that is OWNED BY THE FUCKING BAILIFFS. Never before in the history of football has a team been as badly run as Pompey. Tonight, you made them look like a well-oiled machine. We were a Morrisons to their Marks & Spencer.

To recap, we were playing against a team that is about as capable of winning the Premier League as Mohammed Ali is of winning gymnastic floor show (girls) at the next Olympics. A team that is so worried about where the next blow is coming from that they are starting to resemble a squirrel trapped in a room full of rocking chairs. Yet, faced with this glorious opportunity to halt the biggest slide since Lando Calrissian fell into that pit with the tongue things, you and your heroic employees decided that it was not necessary to take advantage of the fact that they were down to TEN MEN after a trifling TWELVE MINUTES and we were ONE NIL UP. No, like a confused former paedophile in a nursing home we decided to ignore the chance to bury the past, and show matron our photo collection.

You FUCKWITS. I admit that I do not yet hold my UEFA B Licence, but if the exam asks 'what should you do when winning one-nil away from home against bottom of the league when they are reduced to ten men?', DO NOT answer 'get two intellectually subnormal fucktards sent off as quickly as possible, then let them equalise while I stand there looking like someone just wanked on my children's faces in the queue for their school bus'. That might help you progress as a coach.

I sincerely hope that our team of multimillionaires learns from this latest unmitigated disaster. I am not hopeful, however. To be honest, I am not especially hopeful that any of them can actually wipe their own arse without getting shit on their chin, but perhaps time will prove me wrong.

In the meantime, I fucking quit. You are not worth the anger and hatred that following you engender in me. It's like going out with a bird who fucks all my mates, just because we went for a pizza 15 years ago and had a nice evening, and you never know, it might happen again sometime.

Besides which, there are only so many tramps I can kick to death in the aftermath of our failures to win without eventually being traced, and your shitehole football club is no longer worth the risk of an official police caution.



The Fucking Angry Man.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

The Angry Man - LIVE

Sorry for lack of updates. Busy and shit, innit.

Anyhow, when I was in my prime and replying to lots of emails, I also got a few mails of the 'add me to your msn and we can chat sometime' ilk. I duly did, but no-one ever popped up on my MSN - until today. A young lady (yeah right) by the name of Carapachi. It had been so long since I added him/her/it/them that I could not remember the scam, but it followed the usual rules, building up to me providing my credit card details...

I proceeded to chat with the usual angry man bullshit answers, fully expecting to be cut off after a matter of seconds. To my amazement, with the self awareness of an MPs expenses accountant, the dumb fuckers just kept on trucking. My personal highlight is the song recital - the extra typos suggest that they weren't even cutting and pasting, but actually typing it out. I like to imagine that they were singing along too, but they can't be that naive -can they??

Anyhow, full conversation below - not too clever with formatting so I am in bold and she isn't - hope that the conversation is easy enough for you all to follow but if not stick something in the comments and I'll have a play with it (I ain't no weblord). And if you like it, stick something in the fucking comments anyway, it's take take take with you bastards and I never get any positive feedback on these pages...

carapuchi says: (16:37:42)
hello how are you says: (16:38:14)
fine thanks, you?

carapuchi says: (16:40:26)
im fine thx babe says: (16:40:42)
busy day?

carapuchi says: (16:41:55)
not soooo
carapuchi says: (16:41:57)
so where are you from and how old are you baby says: (16:43:24)
i am from england and i am 32 and a quarter. What about you?

carapuchi says: (16:44:31)
im from uk warwick and im 23 :D says: (16:44:51)
a whippersnapper, eh

carapuchi says: (16:45:59)
waht do u mean says: (16:46:25)
young, compared to an old fart like me

carapuchi says: (16:47:47)
no its ok baby no worries :D says: (16:48:01)
so what do you do for a living then?

carapuchi says: (16:49:02)
i am a bikini model
carapuchi says: (16:49:04)
how about you says: (16:49:17)
me too! what are the odds! says: (16:49:42)
i would imagine that is rather seasonal work - how do you make ends meet the rest of the year? says: (16:49:47)
winter must be tough

carapuchi says: (16:50:38)
yeah says: (16:51:34)
Do you model for any famous companies then?

carapuchi says: (16:52:05)
not yet maybe soon .... when i got win the contest that i join :D says: (16:52:29)
which contest is that then?

carapuchi says: (16:53:07)
its a contest in new york bikini modeling says: (16:53:19)
how exciting. says: (16:53:21)
when is it?

carapuchi says: (16:53:46)
this comming feb 14 says: (16:57:26)
how romanti says: (16:57:30)
romantic, even

carapuchi says: (16:58:03)
sexy romantic :D says: (16:58:34)
i cant imagine a bikini contest would be very romantic - quite competitive. says: (16:58:57)
My cousin was in one once, it was terrible - the stage was charged by a buffalo and one of the girls was trampled to death

carapuchi says: (16:59:25)
ohh thats sucks :( says: (17:01:01)
yes it was very traumatic. They had to club the buffalo to death using their shoes in the end. says: (17:01:08)
poor thing. says: (17:01:37)
I don't even know what a live buffalo was doing in the british museum, ridiculous

carapuchi says: (17:01:43)
yeah poor thing :( says: (17:01:46)
where is your bikini contest being held? says: (17:03:33)
is it near any buffalos? says: (17:03:36)
be careful baby says: (17:03:39)
they are big animals

carapuchi says: (17:03:40)
new york city says: (17:03:55)
yes you said - wondered what building it was in says: (17:04:00)
its not a zoo is it?

carapuchi says: (17:05:43)
no baby says: (17:05:54)
oh thank god. says: (17:06:12)
i think the world has seen enough bikini contests disrupted by animal savagery

carapuchi says: (17:06:28)
baby by the way can i ask you some little favor if its ok to you says: (17:06:35)
of course you can, sugar cheeks says: (17:07:13)
which part of warwick are you from, by the way? I am unfamiliar with the grammatical rules in that part of the world, they seem quite baffling at times! says: (17:07:53)
if your favour is to see a picture of me naked, I am afraid I only have those pictures on my work computer says: (17:08:06)
but pretty much anything else I will do for you

carapuchi says: (17:09:00)
can you give me a a vote on my pages using my own card info so i can be the top model for the month of january says: (17:09:21)
isn't that cheating? says: (17:09:37)
i mean, if i am voting for you because i know you and we are friends? says: (17:10:24)
i dont mind though. I just believe that if we can't rely on the integrity of a bikini contest, then all that we know to be good and pure in the world may be under threat says: (17:10:28)
no matter. says: (17:11:38)
what do you need me to do?

carapuchi says: (17:12:05)
no baby its not
carapuchi says: (17:12:09)
dont worry ok says: (17:12:17)
i'm not going to jail? you promise?

carapuchi says: (17:13:09)
yeah no worriess just lsiten to me and follow my guide ok says: (17:14:31)
hmm. okay. But do you cross your heart and hope to die? Stick a needle in your eye? (if you type yes then i will accept your answer on this and we can proceed) says: (17:15:01)
just type yes

carapuchi says: (17:15:14)
YEAH YES says: (17:15:17)
and then i need you to do one favour for me before we start! says: (17:15:35)
will yousing a song for me says: (17:16:18)

carapuchi says: (17:16:25)
wah do u mean sogn
carapuchi says: (17:16:27)
song says: (17:16:30)
i'll take your word that you are singing, you just have to sing the lines as i type them

carapuchi says: (17:17:06)
ok says: (17:17:08)
yes, a song! says: (17:17:24)
ok, it will only be a few lines, but I will type them says: (17:17:28)
then you can type them as you sing them says: (17:17:40)
after the first verse and the chorus, i will do your bidding! says: (17:17:41)

carapuchi says: (17:17:52)
ok says: (17:18:12)
It's 'end of the road' by Boyz To Men. says: (17:18:15)
It means a lot to me. says: (17:18:39)
Girl you know we belong together, I don't have time for you to be playing with my heart like this says: (17:18:52)
You'll be mine forever baby, you just wait says: (17:19:25)
We belong together and you know that I am right why do you play with my heart why do you play with my mind? says: (17:19:47)
Daid we'd be forever said it'd never die, how could you love me and leave me and never say goodbye

carapuchi says: (17:19:57)
Girl you now we beolng together, I don't have time for you to playiwith my heart like this oull be mine forever baby you just wait We belong together and you knwo that I am right why do you play with my hert why do you play with mymind? says: (17:20:10)
When I can't sleep at night without holding you tight girl,. each time I just break down and cry says: (17:20:27)
Pain in my head oh i'd rather be dead, spinning around and around says: (17:20:43)
(here comes the choruse - are you singing?)

carapuchi says: (17:20:54)
yeah i am baby
When I can't sleep at nihgt without holding you tight girl,. each time I just break down and crypain in my head oh id rather be dead, spining around and aound says: (17:21:57)
Although we've come to the end of the road, still i can't let go. It's unnatural (its unnatural) you belong to me, i belong to you

carapuchi says: (17:22:13)
is that your fav. song? says: (17:22:15)
(you type that bit out while I harmonise at this end, and we are done!) says: (17:22:20)
yes it is! says: (17:22:32)
just type out the 'although we've come' bit and i'll be happy says: (17:22:40)
and then i will vote for you! says: (17:23:17)
please? says: (17:25:03)
hello? we need to hurry cos I'm going in a minute! sing my song and tell me how we make you win the bikini contest!

carapuchi says: (17:25:18)
Although we've come to the end of the road, still i cant let go. It's unnatural its unnatral you belong to me, i blong to you says: (17:25:23)
wow, thank you says: (17:25:27)
i bet it was beautiful says: (17:25:33)
i sang it at my mother's funeral

carapuchi says: (17:28:47)
so can i send the first pages to sign up says: (17:29:07)
oh please do baby, i am moist with anticipation of seeing you in your undercrackers says: (17:31:03)
sorry sugarplum, I have to run - but next time you see me online shout me and I promise I will vote for you, I ,may be online later! I love you!